Confessions of a Photographer: The Small Things Add Up

Much of my life revolves around this:

No it is not just a terribly lit, bad quality photo from my phone... it is an ongoing list.

I carry a small notebook with me. 

My current notebook's cover has multiple moustaches on it and says 'Moustachtic', if you ask me it makes NO sense at all, but it makes me smile. That is besides the point. 

This notebook has a constant list being written in it. I will write literally ANYTHING that enters my mind that needs to be done. From emailing a client to finishing a craft project. When I write it down it is no longer in my brain. Then I cross things off as I go. I 'X' off pages that have nothing left on them. I feel a sense of accomplishment every time I mark something off, and an even bigger sense of accomplishment when I 'X' the entire page off.

For many people this system my not work, you may become overwhelmed with the amount that is written in your notebook. It may also be overwhelming to have the idea that your list is literally never-ending. For me though, it is encouraging; to look back on the pages that have been marked as completed. It feels good.

I have found that if I don't keep up with my list... or I let things fall behind... the list becomes overwhelming when I have multiple pages that have things on them yet. But that just encourages me to go back to that page and finish that ONE item so that I can cross it off and never have to look at it again.

All of this is being said mostly so you can see how my brain works... maybe give you an idea of a way to stay on top of things. Maybe this is just a small little rant because I was thinking about it this evening. Since getting back from my vacation my list has seemed to grooooooow more than usual the past few days no matter how much I cross off. 

But I will get all those little things finished. I will not have to try to remember what needed to be done. I will not let those small things add up to an overwhelming loss, because it is all in that notebook... and its just waiting to be crossed off.

That's all for now, Loves. 

New Release: The A. Family

I had the privilege of photographing Derek & Wynter's wedding last fall, and I was MORE than excited when I was asked to photograph their sweet baby girl who was born SEVEN days ago! Oh it was so much fun... and this little lady is just so cute!!!

But don't just take my word for it... look for yourself!

Newborn // The A. Family
Newborn // The A. Family
Newborn // The A. Family
Newborn // The A. Family
Newborn // The A. Family
Newborn // The A. Family
Newborn // The A. Family

What do you think?! I just love them...

Well that's all for now!
Love, Jenny

Confessions of a Photographer: The NEED to Breathe

I am writing this post on Monday, because I won't be able to post Thursday... why? Because I'll be on VACATION!!! We are heading to the Bahamas. *squealing in excitement, jumping up and down, & clapping hands*

At Dunn River Falls in Jamaica in 2011.
Taken by our guide.

So many (including me when I first started) do not realize how much work goes into being a business owner and photographer. Shooting sessions is actually only a small part of what I do. Emails, editing, phone calls, editing, graphic design, more emailing, more phone calls, meetings, more editing, posting, and emailing. Please do not read this wrong, I love every bit of my work, but sometimes I have a hard time separating from it.

When you are a self-employed business owner you are literally able to work 24/7. With the access to email and social media on my phone it makes it even easier to do so. I am appreciative of this, because I am hardly ever at my physical office, and this is a way I don't have to be... but it can be difficult because of the EASE of access. I get an email and its rare I say to myself "I'll read it later." More often than not, I will check it immediately. I'm working on my boundaries, and believe me... I have gotten SO much better than I was at first. I'm still still a work in progress.

All this has been said to say this: Every year Joel and I go on a beginning of the year vacation so that we can completely separate ourselves from the regular day to day. We put our phones away, we set aside time for ourselves, and we just enjoy relaxing. Two years ago we went on a cruise, last year we went to California with family, this year it is a cruise again.

One of my favorites from when we were in California in 2012.
Photographed by Dillon

This timing is perfect. All of last year's sessions have been edited. All the holidays are over. All the hustle and bustle of finishing out the year is finished. Taxes don't need to be started yet. We have nothing scheduled. We can just breathe, sit back, and focus

I am so very excited about this trip. I am so excited to relax and be away from everything and have no responsibilities! I will definitely do a post with photos from the vacation. Until then, have a fantastic week and enjoy life!

Love, Jenny

Confessions of a Photographer: Life Altering Question

I've decided to make these confessions a weekly thing. It is mainly a peek into my life beyond the pretty images and everything that you see... this is a behind the scenes look into my brain, my life, my job. So welcome to the brain of Jenny.

For a long time I've seen what I do as something I love. And I feel so honored and extremely blessed that I have this. I know that not many get to do a job they love and have a true passion for, I encourage you guys to find what you love and MAKE IT SOMETHING.

Doing some film shots in the streets of Paris. Taken by Joel.

I've been doing photography for years, and we are now coming up on Jennifer Christi Photography's THIRD birthday! It seems like we've been around so much longer but at the same time... it doesn't feel like its been that long at all.

A couple months back Natasha, one of my best friends and lead photographers, asked me if I ever just sit back and look at a photo and say, "Wow... I took that!" And you know what? I answered by saying, "To be honest; no. I just have never thought of it that way. Its something I love and do. Its a part of life. I mean, sure I have photos I'm really proud of... that I feel I got just perfect. But I guess I don't really freak out about them..."

But AFTER she asked that she got me thinking... I guess more like realizing... that what I do is so much more than what I've had in my head!

When we travel we always have our cameras! In Rochester, NY.
Taken by Bethany of Joy Studios.

It may sound funny but it finally clicked in my brain that people are paying me to tell their stories because THEY LIKE WHAT I DO. They are paying me to tell stories that will be on their walls for years. Right now, you may be thinking "DUH!" but seriously... I just had this revelation.

The reason I say all of this is because it made me have a new appreciation for my clients. I hold my job in such an even higher position now. I get even MORE excited about a great photo, because I just know that this is someone else's story. I feel like I've told the story in a way that my clients will cherish.

This isn't just something I love... this is something I have the honor of doing. Telling your stories.

Thank you for that.

So for those of you who don't have a friend like Natasha who asks ridiculously awesome, life altering questions; I challenge you to take a moment and ask yourself this question, "What is it in my life that is so much more important than I give credit to?" It may just change the way you do EVERYTHING.

Prequel: Kaitlin & Aaronn

Kaitlin and Aaronn are such an adorable couple! I am so excited for their little one that will be entering this world in the next month or so!

We wandered around the Savage, MN area and had so much fun discovering the forests and trails of this hidden park. The first few photos are actually at their church, where they met years ago. Kaitlin informed me she wanted to get a picture under the 'Look What The Lord Has Done' sign because of everything He has done for them not only at this church, but in their lives.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do!

Maternity // Kaitlin & Aaronn
Maternity // Kaitlin & Aaronn
Maternity // Kaitlin & Aaronn
Maternity // Kaitlin & Aaronn
Maternity // Kaitlin & Aaronn
Maternity // Kaitlin & Aaronn
Maternity // Kaitlin & Aaronn
Maternity // Kaitlin & Aaronn
Maternity // Kaitlin & Aaronn

That's all for now Loves!

2013 Bride's Choice Awards - What An Honor!!!

I got an email this morning with this:

What an EXTREMELY exciting surprise!

I seriously feel so honored. Thank you everyone who has helped us achieve this! We love what we do and we are so excited for the upcoming years!

Love, Jenny

Caught on Film: Kristen

What better post to begin this new blog template, and this new year, than with a Film Session?!

Kristen and I went around the little town of Park Rapids and captured these images. Kristen is the perfect model for these, her style is exactly what should be in front of a film camera. Its vintage with a bit of rocker chick (although she doesn't always admit the rocker thing...)

I am so excited to be offering film as a full option this next year, here are my favorites!

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

Film Session // Kristen

That's all for now loves!

Confessions of a Photographer

A Bit of Raw Honesty

So here's the deal... I am TERRIBLE at blogging... as most of you can tell.

My reasoning:
1) I have so many other things to do
2) Its not that hard so I'll post it later
3) People don't even look at my blog...
4) I can just post on facebook
5) I just need it to be really good and fancy... and its not so I can't do anything yet

Arguments agains my reasoning (in order of original statement):
1) Nothing to argue here... Statement #1 is the truth... but I'm learning PRIORITIES
2) I will never post 'later'. I had a photog friend tell me that she posts right when she is done with a shoot. I believe this will be my goal this year.
3) Some people DO look at my blog... but lets be honest... when there are no posts... why would anyone look?! Silly me.
4) Facebook is nice... but I can use blogging as a much better outlet. Between keywords and whatnot I know I can reach a much larger audience... so that needs to start!
5) You have to start somewhere! Just posting SOME photos is better than NONE photos!! 

*For the record... I used incorrect grammar PURPOSEFULLY.

Ok. My rant is over. I've pep talked myself.

All this being said....

The blog is getting a revamp, it no longer fits the website ( and I'm going to be honest... it kind of hurts my eyes.

Also... it will be posted on quite frequently this year. So you'll proooooobably want to follow us.

......but I understand if you test me on this first. I'm just letting you know.

Love, Jenny