Much of my life revolves around this:
No it is not just a terribly lit, bad quality photo from my phone... it is an ongoing list.
I carry a small notebook with me.
My current notebook's cover has multiple moustaches on it and says 'Moustachtic', if you ask me it makes NO sense at all, but it makes me smile. That is besides the point.
This notebook has a constant list being written in it. I will write literally ANYTHING that enters my mind that needs to be done. From emailing a client to finishing a craft project. When I write it down it is no longer in my brain. Then I cross things off as I go. I 'X' off pages that have nothing left on them. I feel a sense of accomplishment every time I mark something off, and an even bigger sense of accomplishment when I 'X' the entire page off.
For many people this system my not work, you may become overwhelmed with the amount that is written in your notebook. It may also be overwhelming to have the idea that your list is literally never-ending. For me though, it is encouraging; to look back on the pages that have been marked as completed. It feels good.
I have found that if I don't keep up with my list... or I let things fall behind... the list becomes overwhelming when I have multiple pages that have things on them yet. But that just encourages me to go back to that page and finish that ONE item so that I can cross it off and never have to look at it again.
All of this is being said mostly so you can see how my brain works... maybe give you an idea of a way to stay on top of things. Maybe this is just a small little rant because I was thinking about it this evening. Since getting back from my vacation my list has seemed to grooooooow more than usual the past few days no matter how much I cross off.
But I will get all those little things finished. I will not have to try to remember what needed to be done. I will not let those small things add up to an overwhelming loss, because it is all in that notebook... and its just waiting to be crossed off.
That's all for now, Loves.