Confessions of a Photographer: Tiny Tasks

Well, something VERY exciting happened for me today... We've made our office official on the building's directory! 

This was a big deal for me! And the craziest thing is... how long it took me to do it.

The year of 2013 has already been unlike any other year we've had here at Jennifer Christi Photography. Granted, we officially turned 3 in March, but still.

Let me explain:

Every February-April I've been able to really focus on the business; revamp our product descriptions, rework our pricing, do any and all "improvements" that need to be done to our business.

This year was different.

My plan was to do all of the things mentioned above, and I have a whole list to prove it. 'Add photos to the website' ... 'create new brochure for weddings' ... and 'get in the habit of blogging' and more are all on this list.

But instead... I had more opportunities to do my favorite part... TELL STORIES! We were so blessed to have a much busier early spring. But this kind of threw off my 'groove' you might say. And because of this, I realized that MANY things got put on the back burner.

This blog would be the perfect example. I was SO proud of myself for how good I was being, how well I was keeping up, but when I got just a little too busy I backed off and let it be.


Because it's a 'tiny task'.

You all know what 'tiny tasks' are. Those things that'll only take a little bit. Those list items that you can wait on just a bit longer because it'll be so fast and easy to do once you sit down to it. 

The questions is; WHEN WILL YOU SIT DOWN TO IT?

Finally getting our name on the directory literally took me 3 minutes. It felt SO GOOD TO DO. After I did it I really started thinking about everything else I've got on that list.

My challenge to you today, is to start doing at least ONE 'tiny task' a day, if not more. I am amazed at how good it feels to check those things off; the things that are just so minuscule, so tiny, so easy. And most of the time, they really do take only minutes.

That's all Loves,

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